Ensuring your safety is our priority, we take care of your needs, comfort and enhance your adventurous spirit from the moment you arrive in Buenos Aires. The efficient and organized team takes care of you, leaving you nothing to worry about. We understand your need for a secure environment, away from home. Our Tango tours for women are safety oriented, ensuring you feel comfortable, secure and enveloped in our care.
Our women Tango tours are unique, focusing on personalized services. Each Tango tour designed by us is planned keeping in mind your budget, lifestyle, abilities, hobbies and age etc. Our Women Tango tours are for all women, ensuring they enjoy all activities to the maximum and get to dance every time at the Milonga. We believe that women need to let down their hair once in a while!! Ensuring a fabulous Tango & holiday tour for the women who join us. We wholeheartedly encourage shopping sprees and building strong bonds with like-minded women on the trip. We organize fun filled activities, tango classes, Milongas with your own tango partners & tours in such a manner that makes you have the time of your life.. We ensure women learn to tango the first time or simply improve their tango skills further, enjoy each other's company and gather happiness and confidence when they leave Argentina. So ladies!! What are you waiting for? Book yourself or your group for an amazing only women Tango & holiday tour. After all, you deserve the best for being a woman !! Our programs are designed for all levels, from beginners to advanced. If none of the packages suit you, contact us and we will put one together for you: info@argentinatango.com READ what people are saying about us http://www.argentinatango.com/testimonials.php